All of us have witnessed a sharp increase in the consumption of energy drinks, especially among the youth. There are specific claims that these brands make to offer a day of energy along with the ability to stay alert throughout the day. Well, we will undoubtedly bust a series of myths in this blog. No matter which brand you are going for and how much the terms ‘natural’ and ‘fresh’ are used on their packaging, you must keep yourself away from making its consumption a habit. The key aspects that make it such a harmful habit are the presence of two great ingredients, i.e., sugar and caffeine. An energy drink’s detrimental impact is much more complex than coffee consumption. In the long run, it will not only ruin your health to a greater degree but also drastically impact your concentration levels. The energy drinks available in the market are commonly known to be a perfect fit if you want a sudden boost in your energy levels. Specific research papers suggest this sudden boost will tamper with your functionality and give you a series of health concerns. In this blog, let’s understand why it harms our bodies.

Energy Drinks And Its Harmful Impacts On The Body A Glimpse
Extra Caffeine
If we are to believe the experts, an average intake of caffeine for us should be limited to 450mg. It will translate to around 3 cups a day. However, there is no guaranteed number we can rely upon when it comes to energy drinks. Apart from caffeine, a few extra elements, such as yohimbine, citrimax, etc., are used to further stimulateffeine’s impacted Sleep Cycle
It should be a no-brainer. The sudden boost in energy levels will be the primary factor in keeping you awake for much longer than you need to. We highly recommend not consuming any energy drink post afternoon. The ingredients here will deprive you of your sleep and force your neurons to stay awake.
Sugar Will Alter Your Appetite
The artificial sweeteners added to these energy drinks are strictly not recommended by any health expert. However, these sweeteners or fake sugar will not add any calorie count. It can be considered an advantage. But wait before you grab an energy drink; you should know that it will make you hungry. There are high chances that it will make you eat much more than your average appetite.
Poor Impact On Teeth
Scientists have studied the subject with several energy drinks and sports drinks paired with human tooth enamel and saliva; the findings are incredibly shocking. Energy drinks have seriously damaged the teeth, and as per the report, the presence of sugar isn’t the only factor responsible. We must also factor in the acidic substances in these energy drink cans.

Poor Impact On Teeth
Added Vitamins Might Also Be Harmful
If you believe that all the added vitamins will help you stay healthy, it might be a delusion you need to come out of. For those who are looking to consume essential vitamins, the perfect way to do that is to have fruits and vegetables. Not just the vitamins, excess consumption of energy drinks will also have a high chance of increasing your weight. Apart from these factors, if you are consuming energy drinks mixed with alcohol, it will not let you feel the impact of the glass on your body and ends up being even more harmful than direct consumption.