Foremostly, too much or too little of the vitamins can increase the risk of developing particular health problems. The majority of us acquire all the vitamins and minerals that we need from our food itself. Whenever there is a deficiency of any of the vitamins in our body, our body gives clear signals for the same.
Vitamins perform countless essential functions for our body like –
- Rejuvenating tissues
- Regulating metabolism-enhancing the effectiveness of the immune system
- Cell growth
- Strengthening the bones
- Transmitting nerve impulse
- And the list is never-ending.
The water-soluble vitamins that we consume are mainly through the watery portions of the food that we eat. Being liquid in nature, they get easily absorbed in our bloodstream and work their magic. Moreover, kidneys regulate their level in the body and dispose of the excess through the urine. Each vitamin you intake has its way of providing its share of nutrition in your body. Some selective of them are:

Lets Talk Vitamins Why Are They So Important
Most importantly, Vitamin B6 cannot be produced by your body. Therefore, the need of your body to perform functions with the help of this vitamin can only be fulfilled by food and supplements.
Consuming an adequate amount can benefit you by-
- Improving mood and reducing symptoms of depression
- Promoting brain health
- Preventing and treating Anemia
- Preventing arteries from clogging
- Reducing heart disease risk
- Promoting eye health
- Deficiency in the vitamin can be quickly figured out as your body gives clear signs for the same. A few of these signs may be-
- Skin rashes
- Mood swings
- Sore yet glossy tongue
- Tiredness and low energy
- High Homocysteine
- To Regularize The Deficiency, One Can Consume Certain Food Items Like
- Skinless turkey bread
- Banana
- Banana potato with skin
- Roasted pistachios
- Avocado
- Boiled lentils
It is also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin,’ it is produced in our skin when it comes under the sunlight. Apart from being one of the utmost essential vitamins that our body needs, this vitamin regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Several other vital roles are
- Fighting diseases
- Reducing depression
- Boosting weight loss
- Growing of bones and teeth
- The deficiency in this vitamin is visible through various signs that our body gives us. A handful of them are-
- Hair loss
- Low mood
- Fatigue
- Body ache
- Impaired wound healing
Omega 3
It is one of the essential fats that our body cannot formulate on its own but is undoubtedly vital for us to live. It has been proved that fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids while various plants also contain the same.
Selected health benefits that we procure are
- Fighting depression and anxiety
- Improving eye health
- Promoting brain health during pregnancy
- Reducing the risk of the factors that might lead to heart attacks
- Reducing symptoms of ADHD in children
- Food’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids are-
- Fresh foods and non-fat dairy
- Fruits and vegetables with more peas, beans, and nuts
- Fish, walnuts, and flaxseed oil
- Red wine
- Besides, exercising daily also acts as a plus point for omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega 3
B12 is responsible for the proper functioning of the nerve cells in the body and aids in forming red blood cells and the synthesis of DNA. Interestingly, the recommended intake of B12 ought to be higher in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Apart from boosting energy, preventing heart diseases, and improving memory, the vitamin also
- Prevents congenital disabilities
- Improves bone health
- Reduces the risk of Macular Degeneration
- Helps keep skin, nails, and hair healthy
- Foods that can be consumed to prevent the deficiency of this energy-giving vitamin are-
- Meats
- Fish
- Eggs and other dairy products
- Certain varieties of bread and plant-based milk