If you’re working from home or heading to the office each day, one thing remains certain: an organized, clean and friendly workspace is a great avenue for productivity and can help to improve overall job satisfaction too. Nothing brightens up an office or work area like plants, and especially if they are low maintenance and able to grow even without getting as much sunlight as some others. Our list today features some of the easiest plants to grow irrespective of if the plants are on a desk or in a darker corner somewhere. Getting your hands on any of these four interesting plants is sure to offer an instant mood boost and will add to the inviting feeling best suited to any work environment.

Easy To Grow Plants To Brighten Up Your Office
English Ivy
The English Ivy is most renowned for its ability to turn a lifeless wall into what some may go as far as calling a creative work of art. This plant prefers indirect light and is only able to tolerate very low light, which is useful if your workspace is slightly dimmer, or if you want to keep the plan in a corner of the room. Keep that in mind that will take a long time to grow this plant from the seed alone, so buy it pre-grown if you’re in a rush to spruce up your workspace overnight.
This tropical plant is known for its spirited pops of color, which is why they are so popular in households and offices around the country. Bromeliads are great additions to shelves, bookcases and even on the floor if need be. As with the other plants on the list, they are not a big fan of direct light, so make sure they are not sitting in the sun all day. A little known fact about them is that they also thrive under fluorescent light, which is a win if the office has this type of lighting installed.

Peace Lily
Are you ready for a bit of a shocker? As it turns out, Peace Lilies are not even lily’s at all! Their beautiful white petals are actually a leaf that grows alongside the yellow flower. Next time see for yourself to come in contact with one. This flower is a popular plant for its height and can be placed on the floor in any part of the room. Peace Lilies are also great for purifying the air around it, so they not only look great, but act in your best health too. They will be a little more tricky to take care of compared to other similar plants (but not too difficult), so read up on care and maintenance before you buy.
Known for being a common houseplant, the Dracaena also doubles up as a great option for a home or corporate office space for its defining features. This plant comes in a host of different varieties and is suitable for spaces high and low. Do some research about the large and small varieties, as either can serve different purposes considering what you’re specifically looking to do with your workspace or area. The dracaena grows best in bright but indirect light, so putting it near a window is still a great choice, as long as it is sheltered from direct exposure to sun rays during the week.