Thanks to our extremely hectic schedule, we don’t get enough sleep. It’s very often and there is a huge section of our society that is suffering from a condition called Insomnia. If not chronic, everyone has experienced insomnia in form of a phase in her/his life where they find themselves unable to sleep, due to any external factor, e.g., stress. If you are the one who often goes through troubled sleep due to stress or any other reason that doesn’t translate to chronic insomnia, here’s a piece of good news for you. Short-term insomnia can be easily cured by some changes that you need to bring in your lifestyle, especially in foods.

Top 5 Things You Can Buy From A Grocery Store To Help Getting Better Sleep
While you are out there at the grocery store trying to find healthy ingredients, it will be better to also widen your search criteria and get the food items that can help you in getting a sound sleep. However, if you are thinking that gobbling up on the grocery items that we are going to mention below guarantee sound sleep, it isn’t how it works. Bring these food items into your schedule and maintain consistency, you will start seeing some positive results.
Melatonin is the key hormone that is responsible for sleep and the body triggers as soon as the ambiance gets dark. If you are facing troubled sleep, you will need to find the right nutrition that can trigger it before you turn the lights off. Fish, e.g., salmon, halibut, tuna, etc., are rich in vitamin B6 which is responsible for Melatonin.
When you are trying to sleep, the key factor is to find yourself in a relaxed position. If you are going through a stressed schedule, your hormones will get all messed up and it will only be food that can help you keep them balanced. To keep you in a relaxed mood, the hormone responsible is serotonin. It will be created by an amino acid called tryptophan. Chicken and turkey will have it in abundance and when it will create enough serotonin, it will then help in the balanced secretion of melatonin.
If you want to have fruits at dinner time, bananas can be your perfect choice. Not only you will get a healthy dinner, but it will also be responsible to provide you a good sleep. A banana is also a great source of potassium and magnesium. The latter is said to be a good sedative and it will be present in bananas along with tryptophan. The presence of potassium will also be significantly helpful in keeping you asleep throughout the night
Whole Grains
Tryptophan is released from multiple factors as in this case, insulin is responsible for its secretion. Whole grains will be responsible to enhance the insulin levels and then insulin will try to balance the hormone responsible for a relaxed mood, i.e., tryptophan. There is also one thing that you must know is that when your body will lack magnesium, there are high chances that you will wake up quite easily.

Whole Grains
White Rice
This is the food item that’s only recommended if you are not a diabetic. Rice will have a higher glycemic index. What it means in simple terms is that once consumed, it will enhance the blood sugar levels along with insulin. Once these factors are enhanced, especially insulin, it will secrete tryptophan which will help in getting sound sleep.
These are the few food items that you can pick in the grocery store in case you or the loved ones are dealing with short-term insomnia. For those who are facing it way more often, we would recommend getting a doctor’s consultation.