The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in obesity for a lot of people and getting the work out even when you can’t go outside is a real challenge. Getting the benefits of equipment and machines in the gym is not possible either. So despite the challenges, if you have decided to work out at home, we have some exercises that anyone can do in the house without any equipment or training. The first challenge is to find a place working out and keep it clean. Place your mat and make sure that there is enough room for your body and for all the workout movements. Once you have figured all this out, the challenge of the work out starts –

Exercises And Full Workouts You Can Do At Home
To Build Up Your Core
Planks – This is the best exercise for core muscles. Start with 30 seconds of elbow plank and work up to 60 seconds. After you get the hang of it, do more repetitions instead of planking for more seconds.
Crunches – Start with 20 crunches for the first workout and work up to 5 sets of 20 crunches by the end of the month.
Sit-ups – This is the difficult version of crunches. You can start at 10 and work up to 50 by the end of the month.
Flutter kicks – This is the easiest of the core exercises. You can start with 2 sets of 20 flutter kicks and work your way up to 6 to 8 sets
To Lose Weight Quickly And Increase Stamina –
Jumping jacks – Start at a moderate pace for 30 seconds and work up to a minute. Then do 5 1-minute jumping jacks with 30 seconds rest in between.
High knees – This is like running in one place. If you are not used to running then start with 30 seconds and work up to 2 minutes.
Butt kicks – This exercise is like jogging in one place which you can easily do for 45 seconds in the beginning. Work your way to 5 minutes by the end of the month.
To Build Your Upper Body
Push ups or Knee push ups – If your upper body is not strong enough to do a push up then start with 10 knee push ups. Push ups are the best exercises for the upper body so try to do as many as you can on the first day and aim to triple the number by the end of the month.
Plank to push up – You start with your push up position and then bend your right hand to rest your elbow on the ground. Then you do the same with the other hand and come to the plank position. Then you put the palm of your right hand on the ground to push yourself up and start doing the same thing with your left hand. This is an exercise where you shift between two exercises and actually do none of the two.
Plank to the downward dog – This is the easiest of the 3 exercises and after doing planks and pushups, it will feel like you are taking rest in between planks. Start with 15 of these and work your way up to 50.

To Build Your Upper Body
To Build Your Lower Body
Lunges – This is the best exercise to tone your quads so start with 10 of each side and work your way up to 60.
Squats – If you want to increase or have toned glutes and thighs then squats will really help pop it out. Ensure that when you dip down, your knees do not bend forward. They should just come above your toes. Start with 20 and once you can do more sets of 20, you can try doing sumo squats or add weights.
Wall sit – The shortest lower body exercise which works like a plank but just to the lower body. It increases the strength and the stamina of your thighs. Check out for how long you can hold this position and try to increase the time.