Staying Strong
It was all coming to an end now, and Anna had no choice but to leave. Despite the weight of pain and sorrow pressing down on her, she knew she had to summon her strength. A new life awaited her in an unfamiliar place, one that would demand courage and resilience to rebuild. But deep down, she carried a burning resolve—she would have her revenge. Brushing away her tears, Anna straightened her shoulders and stepped toward the car that would drive her away. She vowed never to forget what they had done to her.

Staying Strong
Taking Care Of Herself
After her children unanimously decided to move her into a nursing home without delay, Anna found herself in a difficult and disheartening position. The decision, made in haste and over her objections, revealed their disregard for something vital—an essential part of her identity and the deep connection she had to her home. Blinded by their eagerness to secure their inheritance, they failed to see the gravity of their mistake. It was only a matter of time before they came crawling back.

Taking Care Of Herself