She was well aware of the hidden compartments cleverly embedded within the walls—secrets carefully handed down through generations. These concealed spaces safeguarded her family’s legacy, preserving the treasures of the past. Yet, her children yearned for them with growing desperation. Months after Anna’s departure, a forgotten letter she had left behind was unearthed. Within its pages lay a revelation: the history of the house, its deep ties to the family, and, most intriguingly, its untold wealth.

The Request
To unlock the true fortune hidden within the house, the children realized they needed their mother. Swallowing their pride, they approached Anna, seeking reconciliation. But their intentions were far from genuine—they only wanted access to the secrets she alone could uncover by returning to the house. Anna, however, saw through their ploy. Smiling knowingly, she declined their invitation. There was one final lesson she intended to teach her ungrateful children. With the help of her lawyer and a police escort, Anna returned to her home. She made her way to a mysterious door, one her children had never noticed before. Beyond it lay a box containing something that would change everything. In the end, it wasn’t the children who claimed the happy ending—it was Anna who finally found her peace.

The Request