Don’t be fooled by their prickly outer shells. Avocados are life for most millennials, and some of us need our daily avocado fix. They’re easily the most addictive and tastiest toppers out there and can add flavor and silky texture to any dish. Bursting with nutrients, minerals and heart-healthy fats, these tasty super-fruits are also super healthy. The green monsters are also versatile and can be served smashed, sliced, chopped, smoothied, rolled in sushi or baked. There’s actually so many ways to eat and prepare them, that there are even entire cafes dedicated to avocados. So we’ve compiled a hot list of the most surprising and tastiest avocado crazes since Guacamole.

The Tastiest Avocado Crazes Since Guacomole
Avocados Filled With Poached Eggs
When we first saw this pinterest-worthy,recipe, we cleared our schedules for the rest of the day and had no choice but to try it! It’s actually divine and super easy to prepare, simply:
- Heat a non-stick skillet to low heat and spray some light oil on it
- Slice a ripe avocado with the skin on in half length-wise
- Take away the seed and use a spoon or a small cookie cutter to make a round hole in the center of your slice. Then place the avocado slice into a pan.
- Then all you have to do is crack a medium sized egg into the center of the hole. Then cover the pan and cook it for one or two minutes, until the egg is cooked just the way you like it
- Just in case the egg white is not cooking as fast as it could do, you can sprinkle some water in the pan and then cover and cook it. The steam from the pan will actually help cook the whites.
- Then just season with salt, pepper and lemon and and serve.
- You can serve it on toast, or why not satisfy your extra avocado cravings with an avocado and tomato salad, or add some some guacamole….
Avocado Toast With A Zesty Twist
This zesty recipe for avocado toast is perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner…well any time of the day. And the possibilities, toppings and variations are endless! All you have to do us:
- Toast two slices of whole grain bread until they are crispy and golden
- Slice and peel you your ripened avocado
- Smash the avocado in a small bowl, and mix it with cilantro, lime, and salt + pepper and spices to taste.
- Once it’s ready, simply spread half of the mixture on each slice of toasted bread.
- You can top it with a fried, scrambled, or poached egg if desired.
- Or you can zest up the avocado toast with tomatoes, beans, jalapeno, spinach, salmon, or pretty much anything goes!
Avocado Smoothie
In case you need another avocado fix, a little avocado goes a long way with an avocado smoothie. All you have to do is mix:
- 1 peeled banana, which can be fresh or frozen
- 1/2 a cup of mango
- 1/2 a medium avocado
- 1 cup of spinach
- 1 1/4 cups of almond milk (you can also try oat, soy, rice or hemp milk as you prefer)
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
And voila! Avocados for days!

Avocado Smoothie